Monday, April 9, 2007

My Baptism

I was baptised in Bluffton on Saturday night at the Easter Vigil Service. Here I am with my mommy and daddy.

Uncle Tim and Aunt Jamie are my Godparents! Aunt Jamie's baby keeps getting bigger! Only 4 more weeks until her due date!

Lots of people came to help us celebrate this big day! Here I am with Grandma and Grandpa Blevins.

Grandma Susie had a cookout before the service and Uncle Josh made it home to man the grill!

Grandpa Jack, Carol, and Mike also came! Thank you so much for making the trip!

My buddy, Aiden, and his parents, Jeremy and Jill came as well! Aiden told me that his mommy has a baby in her belly!

My daddy's brother, Lynn, and his family were there, too.

My daddy's sister, Lynette, and her family helped us celebrate.

Yet another friend with a baby in her belly! Heather and Todd are expecting in September!

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