Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My Big Boy Chair

Nana got me a new chair that's just my size for my birthday. I like sitting in it, but I LOVE climbing on it...it makes mommy a little nervous.

Another Birthday Party

I went on Sunday to my grandma and grandpa Blevins house for a birthday party. I was a little grouchy since I have an ear infection and am still recovering from my shots, but it was a good time.

Another MD appointment!

I had my one year MD appointment on Friday and they gave me 2 more shots. I'm going to try to get out of the next one. The doctor says I'm a healthy one year old! This is a picture of me on the ride home....I missed my full nap to go to the doctor.

Friday, January 25, 2008


Happy Birthday to me!! I turned one year old yesterday. Mommy stayed home from work and we played all day. Then Daddy came home with some balloons for me and flowers for Mommy. For dinner we went to Aunt Jamie's house to celebrate my first year!!

I got my first cupcake, but I didn't know what to do with it at first....
Then mommy put on my bib and I dug into it!
Thanks for the cupcake, Aunt Jamie! It was tasty! We had to clean up Charlotte's high chair when I was done!
Press Play to see me in action...
Thanks for coming to my birthday, Charlotte! I love my new IU bib!

I loved my cupcake, but then I started getting tired and hit a wall. Turning one year old sure makes a boy tired! Watch this video....

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Almost 1 Year Old!

There are a lot of changes since I am turning one this week....first of all, I'm drinking whole milk from a sippy cup. None of that formula or bottles for me! I also got to turn around and face forward in the car! It's a whole new world!

Megan's wedding

Mommy and Daddy left me at home with Grandma and Grandpa this weekend and went to Megan's wedding downtown. Grandpa Jack and Carol had a great time dancing and Aunt Jamie was a bridesmaid. Michael even got dressed up for the wedding

Fun Toy

Jackson loves his new toy from Jeremy, Jill, Aiden and Jonah! He gets very excited!

Friday, January 18, 2008


This video is just an experiment, but it shows a good Charlotte smile at the end and Jackson shows off the truck Aiden left at our house last weekend! More videos to come now that I have figured it out!

Monday, January 14, 2008

We Miss You, Charlotte!

We had dinner with Charlotte last night...we really miss seeing her everyday! I've also heard that everyone is missing her pictures on the blog! We will try to keep up with her smiles and milestones the best we can! Living together definitely had it's perks....We Miss You Miss Charlotte!

Aiden and Jonah came to visit!

My friends Aiden and Jonah came to visit us at our new house this weekend. Aiden played basketball with me on my new hoop.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Christmas Toys

I love my new Tonka truck from Grandma and Grandpa Blevins! I can walk behind it and it makes noises. I can't quite figure out how to ride on it yet!

I'm going to be one year old in less than 2 weeks!
I also love my basketball game from Nana. I can dunk the ball and it keeps score and cheers for me!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Bath Tub and Toys

Daddy got me a new "Bath"ketball hoop for the tub in my new house. Tubbers are always a lot of fun!