Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jackson's Second Birthday!

Jackson turned two on Saturday so we had a small party with family that night. He loved his Thomas the train birthday cake

It's hard to believe he is already two!
Last hear we posted pictures of him eating cake with his's amazing the difference a year makes!

He got a lot of toys to play with including a cash register and trucks.

There's not as much room on mommy's lap, but he still fits.

One of his favorites wasn't a gift at all, but a card with a fire breathing dragon on it from Nana. He showed that card to everyone in the room!

Now that Tyler and Jack's birthdays are out of the way, we can start focusing on getting ready for baby! 5 more weeks until my due date of March 8th!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year!

Thanks to everyone for not sending me hate mail for not blogging lately! At 7 months pregnant and 8 weeks to go, I'm a little worn out from the holidays. We had a great Christmas and hope everyone else did as well. If it takes my entire hour lunch break, I am determined to get our Christmas pictures on the blog for everyone to enjoy!

Stromberg Christmas

We got together at Jamie and Tim's house for the Stromberg Christmas. Aunt Jamie and Uncle Tim got Jackson a tickle me Elmo. He loves to tickle Elmo and says that "Elmo is funny"
I haven't put many pictures of Charlotte on the blog lately, (who am I kidding...I haven't put many pictures of ANYONE on the blog lately) so here she is at 20 months! She loves her babies, horses, and her new kitchen set Santa brought her!

So at least the vacuum Nana bought him was blue. He's going to make some lucky lady a good husband someday! Don't worry he also got a bat and ball from Uncle Josh and Aunt "Meena".

Christmas with the Blevins

Santa came to grandma and grandpa Blevins house for Christmas. Daddy wasn't afraid to sit on Santa's lap and tell him how good he's been (he lied!)
Jackson on the other hand said hello to Santa when he first walked in the door, but when Santa suggested he sit on Santa's lap the floodgates opened and Jackson lost his marbles. He sat on mommy's lap while all the others visited with Santa and slowly started to warm up. He told Santa thanks for all his presents on Christmas morning, but that he still wanted a tractor.

He got brave enough to move to the couch with his security blanket and give a cheesy smile for the camera.

Santa was okay after he gave Jackson a big tractor out of his gift bag. Then he was brave enough to take candy from Santa. He still REFUSED to sit on his lap and would start crying if anyone mentioned it. Needless to say we dropped the issue and did not say another word to keep the peace.

Then he dug into his stocking. He got more candy and a package of big boy underwear (which we are not ready for yet, but it's nice to have them on hand)

The favorite stocking gift was a pair of Elmo PJ's which he wore that night!

Spoiled boy! But you haven't seen anything yet!

Jack opened all his presents from Aunt Lynette and Uncle Lynn, but we braced him for the one big one. This is his face at the unveiling of his new powerwheels arctic cat ATV!

In hot pursuit of his new "big truck".

It was dark outside when he got it and couldn't drive it outside, so he proceeded to climb in and out of it for the next 2 hours. He would take down the tailgate and put his shovel in, then climb back in and pretend to drive. It was the first thing he asked for the next morning.

Watch out for the crazy boy on the road! He doesn't steer too well...daddy still needs to help, but he has the gas pedal figured out! Good thing we have a 3rd car garage for our 2 year old's truck!

Christmas morning

Santa was very good to Jack. His favorite toy was a Thomas the train set. He would open a present and play with it for a while and then open another. It took a while to get through all of them, but he thought he hit the lottery!
He also got an aquadoodle which is the best invention ever for mommies!! He draws on a mat with a marker filled with nothing but water! No mess and minimal supervision!
He now walks around the house saying "choo choo". Daddy made him a table for his train set, too.

He also got some sporting goods like a football and an ESPN batting practice toy. We've officially turned our unfinished basement into a play room for all these flying balls and big toys.

Christmas Eve

After church on Christmas eve we let Jack open a few presents from mommy and daddy. He was excited because he got a tool set like Daddy's and has become Daddy's little helper fixing things around the house.

Christmas at the Zoo

We went to the zoo before Christmas to see the light show and the winter animals. Jack's favorite part was the train ride around the zoo. It was a little cold, but he actually kept his gloves on!

Visiting Santa

Jackson loves the idea of Santa, but DID NOT want to sit on his lap this year. It's a short video, but you get the idea of what our picture with Santa looked like this year.