Thursday, April 23, 2009

One Month Checkup

Emily went to the doctor for her one month check last week (sorry this post is a little late) and she weighed 11 lbs 8 oz already! She is in the 95th percentile for weight and in the 80th for height! She hasn't been missing many meals...just look at those cheeks!!

Emily and Piper

Heather Morgan came to visit on Monday. Her baby, Piper, is 16 days younger than Emily. It wasn't much of a playdate this time, but they will have more fun together in the future.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Opening Day

Jackson doesn't know much about baseball, but he's heard that daddy's a cubs fan....I think he likes his spaghetti more than the cubs right now.

Happy Easter

Jack is so good to his "Baby Mimi". She is the first thing he asks for when he wakes up and the first thing he prays for when he goes to sleep. This is Emily when she is what we call "milk drunk".....after a good bottle, she can fall asleep sitting up while being burped!

Jackson found a new use for his Easter Basket!

Easter at the Blevins

Jackson made out like a bandit with all the candy at the egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa Blevins house. Emily got passed around to a lot of family members who hadn't met her yet and got a new outfit from Grandma and Grandpa since she didn't get any candy.

Easter at Nana's New House

We had to have our Easter egg hunt inside since Nana doesn't have a yard yet. It would've been a little messy to hide the eggs in the mud.
Jackson wouldn't go find the next egg until he ate the candy out of each egg he found.

Charlotte got the idea a little faster and looked better doing it in her jean skirt!

Bath Time

Making sure both kids get a bath is a lot more work, but it's also a lot more entertaining! Emily is growing so fast and already has lots of baby rolls to clean!

Daddy's Helper

Today Jack helped daddy hang the letters of Emily's name in her room. He has his tool kit ready to go and handed daddy screws when needed. He loves hanging out with daddy in the garage or when daddy is working with tools.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bath at Nana's new house

Jackson and Charlotte love taking baths and decided to try out Nana's new tub! Emily slept right through all the activity!

Childrens Museum

We went to the childrens museum last weekend and Jackson loved the dinosaurs! We also got to ride on the carousel and play in the learning center!