Sunday, June 29, 2008

Big Swimmer

Jack has really been working on his swimming skills as well as his tan this summer. In this post we are going to showcase them both. Everyday at the pool he wears 50 SPF sunscreen and still looks like the coppertone baby. Jackson's babysitter is also a swim instructor so he is getting better at swimming everyday!

See you in a week, Charlotte!

Charlotte and her family are going to the lake in Tennessee this week. Since we are going camping before they get back, we won't see them for over a week! Have fun Charlotte...we'll miss you!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Crazy Daddy!

Jackson has a blast riding on daddy's shoulders. He is so easily amused by that crazy daddy!

Dinner with Charlotte

We went to the Fagin house for dinner on Wednesday night. Uncle Tim made a killer batch of sloppy joes. Jackson and Uncle Tim are toasting to a great dinner and a nice night to hang out on the porch with the family! Jack also decided it was more fun to let the sprinkler get you when you are fully dressed rather than in your swim trunks. Boys will be boys...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fun in the Sprinkler

Jackson and Charlotte ran through the sprinkler the other night. Charlotte's bikini turned heads! Jackson loves giving Charlotte kisses and hugs. He hasn't figured out that he doesn't need to open his mouth to give kisses yet.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Corn on the Cob

Jackson loves corn on the cob. For those of you who know Tyler, you already know that Jack comes by it honestly. He's not as fast at eating it as his daddy, but you have to start somewhere....

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Tyler went to Chicago for the weekend, but when he got back Jackson and I took him to Italian Fest Downtown. Jack loves giving his daddy head butts!

A little Tyler in the making....maybe a bit scary!!

Jackson really enjoyed the italian ice....although he doesn't look that enthusiastic in this picture!

Like father, like son......they both look a little out of it here! I think I caught them as they were starting to blink.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Charlotte loves Bike Rides

Charlotte didn't like the helmet at all until she figured out that was the only way she could go on a bike ride....and she really loves bike rides!

Messy House but Happy Babies!

Every time we have Charlotte and Jackson together our house turns into a big toybox! This is what happened to my kitchen last night when Charlotte was over!

Charlotte looks cute as usual in her romper courtesy of Aunt B! She loves the kitty, but the kitty has learned that the gate is great when babies are in hot pursuit!

Cool Dude

Jackson doesn't know what to think of his sunglasses. He likes them for a few minutes and then takes them off. If only he knew how cute he looks in them!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Weekend Adventures

Our little toehead loves to mow the yard like his daddy!

Jackson doesn't do anything without opening his mouth!

We stripped him down last night and let him make a mess with spaghetti. He was a hungry boy so he didn't get as dirty as we thought since he was so busy eating!

Trolling at the Pool

Jackson's babysitter is a swim teacher so he gets to go to the pool all the time. He can already put his face in the water and blow bubbles. As you can see from this picture, he is also quite the hit with the ladies at the pool!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Sunday at the Pool

On Sunday we went to the neighborhood pool with Jamie and Charlotte. This year Jackson is big enough to walk around in the kiddie pool and play.

It's time to get rid of that farmer's tan!

Charlotte loved floating!

Charlotte was very intrigued by Jackson's belly button on the wagon ride home. Both kids were so worn out from the pool that they slept the rest of the afternoon!

One Pound Cheeseburger

We went to Bub's in Carmel on Saturday night. Grandpa Jack and Tyler ordered a 1 pound hamburger (that's one pound AFTER it is cooked). If you eat the whole thing you get your picture on the wall.... Grandpa Jack couldn't eat the whole burger, but daddy did (plus a couple of Budweisers) so he and Jackson are forever on the wall at Bub's. Grandpa Jack will have to train a little bit more and try it again next time.

Watering Mommy's flowers

Jackson tried to help water the flowers on Friday night. Our camera was full so it didn't catch him turning the hose on himself a few seconds later :)