Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!

For Halloween Jackson was a puppy and Charlotte was a ladybug! Tyler was in charge of the camera so this was the only shot we have of the two of them together. I'll get a few more from Jamie and post them later...
Grandma and Grandpa Blevins came down for the evening to see Jackson in his St. Bernard puppy costume. Notice that in every picture he has some sort of candy in his hand. He figured out pretty quick that carrying around a pumpkin got him the candy he wanted.

We were amazed that he didn't mind the outfit. I thought for sure he would want us to take it off immediately, but he kept it on for over 2 hours without any complaints.

Go Notre Dame

Daddy left us at home on Saturday to go to the Notre Dame game with his buddies. Notre Dame lost, but Tyler still had a good time!